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Gastvortrag: Social integration of children with mild intellectual disability

Gastvortrag Ágota Szekeres, PhD
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
BárcziGusztáv Faculty of Special Education
Achtung! Raumänderung: Raum 4.435, Emil-Figge-Str. 50
10:15-11:45 Uhr

Raumänderung Research indicates that children with general learning disabilities tend to have a significantly

lower sociometric position than non-disabled classmates and that pupil with behaviour prob-

lems  are  more  frequently  rejected  than  students  without  behaviour  problems.  In  Hungary,

however, there is a lack of adequate information on the social position of students with disa-

bilities in primary classrooms. Results of questionnaires on the dimensions of social integrati-

on of 200 integrated children with mild intellectual disabilities and 200 non-disabled students

will be presented in an attempt to find important hints towards the realization of an increasin-

gly successful and more efficient form of integrative schooling. .